Translucent White on the left. Mica White on the right.
A lot of customers are curious about the difference between Mica White and Translucent White.
When we first started printing decals we printed only in what we were then referring to as White, but what we now refer to as Translucent White. (A Quick Diversion: Commercial silkscreen decal printers are limited to the colors provided by our suppliers. Yes, we can custom mix colors as well, but when it comes to white, there are limited options.)
Why did we decide to rename White to Translucent White? Traditional "White" ink was not very dense - especially on light to mid-tone ceramic glazes and enamel frits. We even toyed with calling this color "Ghost White". We really wanted to have a white that had a density that held up for glass customer though. Enter: Mica White.
As you might have guessed, Mica White actually contains a bit of the mineral mica. This addition makes a much denser white that is somewhat glittery. On ceramics, mica white is also a bit matte and somewhat rough to the touch.
We love Mica White. Translucent White is also great. Most of our decals are available in either one or the other. We hope that you, our dear fans, all like them also.